Simple shifts. Powerful changes.

Simple isn't easy but it is transformational

Having an ADHD brain can feel “overwhelming” most of the time.

When asked how I am feeling or what’s on my mind,

I used to see the image of Pig Pen from “Peanuts” (Charlie Brown and Snoopy, etc.) in my mind:

Something about the visual of the “mess” surrounding him and the flurry of uncontrollable activity just comes to mind.

Luckily, over the past 5 years, through extensive therapy, coaching, countless books, experts, podcast, and daily work,

I have discovered that this isn’t the only way for us ADHD brains.

Here is one simple exercise you can do immediately today.

When things get jumbled in our mind and body, what we can do is:

  1. come back to the breath

  2. calm the body

  3. grab a pen and paper

  4. get writing

  5. watch the flow of energy come through our bodies and out into the universe.

Journaling is a significant step towards bringing clarity to our thoughts and closer to manifestation.

The power of the human mind is amplified for us with ADHD which can be a blessing or a curse.

The difference depends on our ability to understand our minds and learn the skills to harness that power.

It can be frustrating and daunting, to say the least.

Going through life with a Ferrari brain and losing control of the wheel at top speeds is a terrifying experience.

Imagine this as your reality every day since childhood. It's confusing and distorts our ability to trust our intuition. 

By adulthood, we are a tangled mess of superpowers and volatility.

What has transformed my life more than anything else is one “simple” but anything but EASY thing.

Discovering there is a logical WHY underneath the way my brain works.

After 40 Years of searching for answers, I finally have begun to truly understand myself and the biology of how my brain works.

This simple shift:

  • Allows me to have compassion and patience for myself like never before.

  • Allows me to celebrate my unique abilities and accept my challenges.

  • Has taught me that challenges and deficits do not have to mean struggles.

We have the ability to learn and adapt. This powerful awareness can point our Ferrari brains in the right direction.

  • Do you have a million ideas a second and struggle to quiet the noise for long enough to actually take action on a single one?

  • Do you take action and then find yourself overwhelmed with a flood of thoughts emotions fears anxieties and then struggle to stay focused on a single task?

  • Are you frustrated with your progress in life since you have a burning knowing in your soul that you are capable of so much more?

  • Does it feel like life is a roller coaster of highs and lows and you desperately want a steady and sustainable lifestyle?

If this sounds like you then you aren't alone!

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